Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Two Month Stats
Both Emily and I survived her 2 month checkup. She is a healthy, growing baby, and we no longer need to worry about her weight gain. Yay! Here are her stats from today's visit, along with her one month and 2 week stats for comparison (if you are interested in that sort of thing).
2 month: weight 9 lbs, 15.8 oz (24%) length 22 in (30%) head 15.25 in (43%)
1 month: weight 6 lbs, 15.5 oz (6%) length 20 1/2 in (32%) head 14.125 in (26%)
2 week: weight 6lbs, 6 oz (4%), length 20 in (35%) head 13.75 in (22%)
So as you can see, her weight and head circumference have both increased quite a bit in the last month! No wonder newborn clothing and diapers were so tight! The doctor said rapid weight gain like this is normal and expected, and she will probably continue to gain weight rapidly until around 6 months, when it will slow considerably.
Emily has a small umbilical hernia, which makes her belly button be an "outie" for now. This isn't uncommon in infants and should resolve by her 1st birthday.
There were 3 different vaccines Emily received today--2 shots and one oral vaccine. She drank the oral one with no difficulties. The two shots were given by two nurses at the same time, so at least there was just one traumatic minute. When we first got home, Emily seemed her normal self, but a few hours later, she seemed to be in some pain, so we gave her a dose of Tylenol, and will give her another dose before bed.
All in all, we are glad to know Emily is healthy and thriving, and I am glad to have the shots behind us, and now we have 2 full months of not worrying about dr. visits!
Sunday, August 15, 2010
A Week of Firsts

2 months old and wearing a dress!
So I've very quickly realized that after you have a baby, there are LOTS of "firsts" to celebrate. Some will be much bigger than others, but I think it's fun to note even the smaller ones. We've celebrated a few already--Emily's first real bath, her first smile, her first trip to the grocery store, her first babysitting. This week we not only celebrated her 2 monthiversary (with a trip to Grandma and Grandpa's house), but she also wore her first 0-3 month outfit, her first size 1 diaper, and went to church for the first time! We were a bit worried about how she would do in the service, but she was great! She semi-slept through the singing, and just looked around during most of the sermon...making a few baby noises here and there, of course. I did have to take her out at the very end, but she had been quiet for over an hour! That seems like a long time for a 9 week old baby!
All dressed up for church!
On Tuesday, Emily has her 2 month well-baby check-up. I am looking forward to seeing how much she has grown, but I am absolutely dreading the shots! I know I need to get used to them because from now until she turns 5, she will have shots at most appointments. I just keep telling myself that they will be over quickly, and they are protecting her from lots of bad things. But still...I wish they were already over!