In order to keep this post a somewhat decent length, I thought I would just list out the new things she is doing these days as well as things that I just love about this stage of her life!
*rolling over back to front
*sitting unsupported (yay!)
*starting to eat solids (she has had rice cereal, oatmeal cereal, sweet potatoes and pears. she isn't too fond of cereal, but really seems to like the pears and potatoes)
*laughing when I tickle her or make funny high pitched noises
*laughing when I dance around (like a crazy person)
*her two bottem teeth made their appearance on December 28th
*naps have finally gotten a bit better when I started putting her on her tummy in our bed. her short naps are now 40 minutes (instead of 15), and she will take up to 2 hour naps sometimes!
*she still loves taking walks, and now sits in the main stroller part, instead of in her carseat attached to the stroller
*Emily LOVES the cat and wants to touch her whenever she sees her. This includes grabbing and squeezing her skin/fur, hitting her body, getting a handful of whiskers, etc. So far, the cat has been fairly tolerant. Matt and I are pretty sure the cat will be the motivation for Emily to crawl.
*shaking anything that rattles is SO exciting
*night time sleep is usually about 11-12 hours (7:30pm-7ish am) with one nighttime feeding around 3-4am
*socks will never stay on for very long, so I'm constantly pulling them back on, or searching around the house to find the missing sock
*Emily LOVES to drink water out of our cups. We bought her a sippy cup, but she pretty much just chews on it.
*Emily reaches and grabs EVERYTHING she can. She will work and work to get things that are just out of her grasp, and seems pretty proud of herself when she gets the item!
*She likes to look in the mirror and she immediately smiles at her reflection and reaches out to touch it.
*When she gets excited, she makes a squeaking noise...kind of a mix between a mouse and a pteradactyl.
*Matt and I dedicated Emily to God on December 5th. Along with this is our committment to raise Emily in a Christ-centered home and to teach her about God's love and faithfulness.
Ok...that is all for now, I'm sure I'll think of some other really cute things later! Matt and I are having so much fun with Emily. We are always finding new ways to make her laugh (and we usually laugh at ourselves as well!). Our first Christmas with her was really fun and special, and we're looking forward to see what new skills she will learn next!
Emily has rolled from her tummy to her back a handful of times in the past week. I don't think she really intended to roll over, however. She isn't a huge fan of "tummy time" and will usually start to get a bit mad when I place her on her stomach on a blanket on the floor. This week, she started to turn her head pretty far to one side, then slowly, the rest of her body followed and then she was on her back! She seemed to think it was pretty fun, as you can see from her reaction! I was super happy the video camera was close by, so I could capture the end of her roll.
Emily hit the 3 month mark this week too. She is definitely more vocal these days, and I'm 97% sure she actually thinks she is holding intelligent conversations with Matt and I. She will get very serious while "talking" and furrow her brow and everything! Her little voice is just so sweet to hear, and it's fun to have her "talk" back to me instead of just quizzically looking at me all day while I chatter on and on to her. She is still in size 1 diapers, although she will probably be in size 2 in a couple of weeks. She is also still wearing size 0-3 month clothing, but several little outfits are getting harder and harder to snap. I have had fun shopping for a few fall/winter basics for her this past week, and Grandma Elvi has added some cute long-sleeved items as well. So we are all officially just waiting for the temperatures to get out of the 90s so we can enjoy the outdoors more!
Since there was no need to schedule a 3 month doctor's appointment, I don't have any official weight/length stats to post. I believe Emily weighs around 12 pounds, and she has definitely grown in length as well. One of the next milestones that I am really looking forward to is laughing. Emily hasn't exactly laughed yet, but I can tell she really wants to, so I'm thinking she will any day now
Both Emily and I survived her 2 month checkup. She is a healthy, growing baby, and we no longer need to worry about her weight gain. Yay! Here are her stats from today's visit, along with her one month and 2 week stats for comparison (if you are interested in that sort of thing).
2 month: weight 9 lbs, 15.8 oz (24%) length 22 in (30%) head 15.25 in (43%)
1 month: weight 6 lbs, 15.5 oz (6%) length 20 1/2 in (32%) head 14.125 in (26%)
2 week: weight 6lbs, 6 oz (4%), length 20 in (35%) head 13.75 in (22%)
So as you can see, her weight and head circumference have both increased quite a bit in the last month! No wonder newborn clothing and diapers were so tight! The doctor said rapid weight gain like this is normal and expected, and she will probably continue to gain weight rapidly until around 6 months, when it will slow considerably.
Emily has a small umbilical hernia, which makes her belly button be an "outie" for now. This isn't uncommon in infants and should resolve by her 1st birthday.
There were 3 different vaccines Emily received today--2 shots and one oral vaccine. She drank the oral one with no difficulties. The two shots were given by two nurses at the same time, so at least there was just one traumatic minute. When we first got home, Emily seemed her normal self, but a few hours later, she seemed to be in some pain, so we gave her a dose of Tylenol, and will give her another dose before bed.
All in all, we are glad to know Emily is healthy and thriving, and I am glad to have the shots behind us, and now we have 2 full months of not worrying about dr. visits!